Show your thanks to a health professional who has gone ‘above and beyond’

Dr Freyja Page, winner of the award in 2021

Being a health care professional is hard. The workload is demanding, the hours can be long and unpredictable, the conditions can be tough and each day can literally be filled with life and death.

And yet, many of us have been lucky enough to meet that doctor or nurse who takes that little extra bit of time or provides that little bit of extra care and attention to us and our loved ones. And it can and does make such a difference.

Taking 5 minutes of your time to say thank you to that health professional is what the Elizabeth Pinkerton Memorial Award is all about.

What is the Elizabeth Pinkerton Memorial Award?

This award is presented annually by TSA to a health professional to recognise their efforts to improve the lives of families and individuals affected by TSC in Australia. And, it is presented based on nominations from you, our TSC Community.

How do I nominate a health professional?

All you have to do is tell us is who you are nominating and why you think they deserve to win the award.

It takes just 5 minutes to make a nomination via our online form and nominations are now open. You can make your nominations at:

There is no limit to the number of nominations you can make! All nominations are considered by the TSA Committee who will decide on the winner.

Will the health professional know about my nomination?

Every health professional who is nominated is told that they have been nominated (but not who nominated them). And we know from previous experience that just being nominated can mean an awful lot. So, show your thanks by nominating a doctor or a nurse who has done that little bit extra in providing care or support to you or your family. Make your nomination now at:

Nominations will close on 30 June 2022.

Please note: health professionals who have won an award in the last five years are not eligible for this year’s award as we know there are so many deserving recipients. If you do send through a nomination for a previous winner, we will happily tell them they have been nominated, but it will not be considered by the committee. Winners in the past five years are: Dr Freyja Page, Dr Nick Smith, Dr Fiona McKenzie, Dr Orli Wargon and Dr Helen Whitford.

Read about past winners of the award

About Lizzie Pinkerton

Elizabeth (Lizzie) Pinkerton (1984 – 2010) had TSC and polycystic kidney disease. Lizzie lived a life full of friends, dancing and laughter. She provided inspiration for her family’s long-standing involvement in TSA, particularly her mother Sue as former President and sister Clare as former General Manager. Many of you will know Sue and Clare. The Elizabeth Pinkerton Memorial Award is part of Lizzie’s legacy.