For Health Care Professionals

TSA (Tuberous Sclerosis Australia) works with a wide range of health professionals, including its Medical Advisory Panel. We understand that TSC (Tuberous Sclerosis Complex) is a rare disease and many health professionals in Australia will see no or just one case in their career. We are here to provide you with access to accurate, balanced information about TSC, best practice management and surveillance, latest research and treatment options. 

We encourage you to join our TSC Health Care Professionals Network and invite you to refer your patients for support from our TSA Nurse. 

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Patients who have a New or Suspected TSC Diagnosis

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About TSC

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Managing TSC (for GPs/other clinicians)

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Staying Up-to-Date

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Referral to our Nurse

Kathryn Santamaria with EPMA 22

Elizabeth Pinkerton Memorial Award

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Our Medical Advisory Panel