Become a member of TSA

TSA membership

A TSA membership is for anyone with an interest in improving the lives of individuals and families impacted by TSC. By becoming a member of TSA you will:

  • share a sense of belonging and a shared passion that ensures everyone in Australia has free access to information and support about TSC, no matter where they live or their personal circumstances
  • have a say in the direction of TSA, at the AGM or by becoming a committee member
  • have access and invitations to events.

Please join or renew your TSA membership using the form below. 

The first $5 of your contribution is considered a membership fee. The remainder is considered a donation, which may be tax deductible.

Total Amount

All fields are optional but help us provide you with relevant information

Your link to TSC
Billing Name and Address
Contribution options
We like to thank our donors publicly, such as in our Impact Report. However if you would prefer us not to, we can keep your donation anonymous. The TSA Privacy Policy explains how we handle your personal information.
Our daughter Roxie is 5 years old and has been diagnosed with TSC. I have pledged my allegiance to TSA and become a member. You can too! As members we know we are helping the organisation that so many families just like ours rely on for information and support. I have no doubt this annual contribution helps to ensure TSA have the funds needed to continue their great work.
Rob Rossano, Roxie’s dad



A bronze gift can connect families to our TSA Nurse to receive free advice about early intervention treatments and how to access them, which can change their child’s life.



A silver gift can help an adult living with TSC to connect with others living with the condition, reducing their sense of isolation.



A gold gift can help TSA ensure a GP caring for a patient with TSC has access to the latest medical information and best practice guidelines.



 A platinum gift can help support Australian participation in ground breaking international research projects which are improving outcomes for people with TSC.

Memberships are valid for the current financial year. Memberships paid in April, May and June each year apply to the following financial year. If you have opted to auto-renew, your membership will auto-renew each year so your generosity can continue.

More ways to help

Inspire others to give

Inspire others to give

Come to an event 1

Come to an event

How to support us 1

How to support us