NSW Health Specialised Intellectual Disability Health Teams

People with TSC and intellectual disability often have more health problems.  Many of these health needs can be met by GPs, but sometimes a specialised approach is needed.  The good news is that NSW Health has recently announced that Specialised Intellectual Disability Health Teams are being expanded across the state.

The teams provide a multidisciplinary health service for school aged children, adolescents and adults diagnosed with intellectual disability and complex health needs.  The service, which is free, works in conjunction with your GP, paediatrician, and/or other health services and disability service providers and provides medical and health consultations, including health care plans, advice and referrals.

To be eligible for this service a child, adolescent or adult with intellectual disability will have a current unresolved health-related problem/health care need that cannot be met by usual care. Referrals to the service can be made by your GP and/or other specialist health care professional.  We encourage our TSC community in NSW to take advantage of this new service.

This is a fantastic initiative by NSW Health. We encourage TSC families and individuals outside NSW to approach your state health service to enquire whether there is a similar program in your local area. If they don’t already have something in place you can access, you may choose to advocate for change. We’d be happy to support your efforts, so please reach out to us if this is the case.

There are six teams in NSW.  Contact details for each are shown below.

Hunter New England Local Health District Team

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 02 49246067

Eligible clients in Central Coast Local Health District can be seen by the team in Hunter New England Local Health District.

Northern Sydney Local Health District Team

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 02 89683400

Eligible clients in Mid North Coast and Northern NSW Local Health Districts can be seen by the team in Northern Sydney Local Health District.

South Eastern Sydney Local Health District Team

Email: SESLHD-SpecialistIntellectualDisabilityHealthTeam@health.nsw.gov.au

Phone: 02 85661222

Fax: 93919101

Eligible clients in Nepean Blue Mountains and Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health Districts can be seen by the team in South Eastern Sydney Local Health District.

South Western Sydney Local Health District Team

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 02 97941820

Eligible clients in Southern NSW Local Health District can be seen by the team in South Western Sydney Local Health District.

Sydney Local Health District Team

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 02 93781364 / 93781100

Fax: 93781332

Eligible clients in Western Sydney Local Health District can be seen by the team in Sydney Local Health District.

Western NSW Local Health District Team

Email: [email protected]

Eligible clients in Far West and Murrimbidgee Local Health Districts can be seen by the team in Western NSW Local Health District.