Perth-based Program for Children with Rare Diseases

Perth-based non-profit organisation Rocky Bay has launched an initiative called the Early Start Intervention Program (ESIP)

It is a program aimed at providing evidence-based multidisciplinary early intervention support to children aged less than 5 years old.

The program is available to children with developmental delay and those who are showing signs, symptoms and risk factors associated with rare disease.

Each participant will receive comprehensive therapy services including individualised assessment, goal setting and intervention from a team of experienced therapists including Physiotherapist, Occupational Therapist, Speech Pathologist and Social Work provided within the child’s natural settings, working towards individualised goals driven by the child and family.

As part of the ESIP each child will also have access to community-based group intervention through our ESIP hydrotherapy and therapy playgroup providing an opportunity for families to formulate connections in a supportive environment.

For more information on the eligibility criteria and objectives of the ESIP please read the flyer below.

To enquire about participating in the program please click here to access the Rocky Bay website.