TSA Annual Report 2020/2021

We are delighted to share TSA’s (Tuberous Sclerosis Australia’s) Annual Report for 2020/2021.

Thank you to everyone who has helped us to support people living with TSC (Tuberous Sclerosis Complex). Your kindness and generosity greatly helps our work with and for the TSC Community in Australia.

Whether you shared your TSC story, made a donation, organised a fundraiser, volunteered or signed up as a member, we thank you for choosing to help.

Our latest Annual Report highlights how your support helps our work and makes an impact on the lives of people living with TSC in Australia.

Heartfelt thanks to Roxie’s parents, Rob and Mimi Rossano for sharing the beautiful family photo for the cover of this publication. Roxie is four years old and lives with Tuberous Sclerosis Complex.

Please click here to view the report.