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TSA’s Impact Report 2022

We are delighted to share TSA’s (Tuberous Sclerosis Australia’s) inaugural Impact Report for the 2021/2022 financial year.

Our Impact Report has been developed to share important updates that focus on what we’ve achieved this year and the work ahead and replaces our usual October Reach Out and Annual Report. We are excited to be launching our new website in early 2023. As part of this evolution we feel the time is right to move towards publishing the regular content you have been receiving in Reach Out such as personal stories, research summaries and TSC updates, in an online only format. You’ll still get these updates from us but by going online they will be both more regular and timely. And, by going paperless, we are doing our bit for the planet.

We hope you enjoy reading about everything we’ve accomplished together. Thank you again for your compassion and generosity. It really is thanks to you that we’ve been able to continue to provide a wide range of programs and services to inform, support and empower our TSC Community. Together, we are helping to create a better life and more hopeful future for everyone living with TSC.

Please click here to read the full report