TSA’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2024
Thank you to everyone who attended our AGM via Zoom last night.
We celebrated our progress in the last year – including the Community Connect event in Sydney, our joint survey with Epilepsy WA, development of a resource on TSC for GPs and continuation of our telehealth nurse service. Thank you to everyone in our TSC Community for supporting and making possible our achievements this year.
After 9 years on the TSA Committee, Vice President Alison McIvor (pictured) stood down at this AGM. Alison has recently taken up the position of CEO at Syndromes Without A Name (SWAN). We thank Alison for her considerable contribution to TSA and the TSC Community. She has been an amazing advocate and source of information as well as a compassionate and committed member of the TSC family. We are delighted she will stay on as a Regional Contact for Victoria.
We welcome Rob Rossano as our new Vice President. We also officially welcome Paul Singh and Catherine Whelan to the Committee. We thank all members of the Committee, our Regional Contacts and the TSA Medical Advisory Committee for their commitment and work in the last year.
If you are interested in being involved in the running of TSA by joining the Management Committee, we’d love to hear from you. Please email [email protected] for more information.